Hire the best Sales talent with a Fixed Price Recruitment Service

Save £1000’s in hiring fees by paying a simple monthly fee for all your hiring – from as little as £500 per month

“HST Hiring cut our hiring time in half and saved us thousands in recruitment costs. As a business we needed to increase our staff levels considerably to achieve our growth targets and HST Hirings solutions meant that we stopped worrying about hiring new staff or the impact of replacing existing staff. Their expertise and efficient process is unmatched.”

Dan Daintry – CEO    5 Stars

Unlock Great Talent

Without breaking the bank

Are you tired of the lengthy and costly hiring process? Discover how HST Hiring can revolutionise the way you hire Sales staff of all levels  into the business – saving you money and time while securing the best talent in the market for your organisation.

3 key benefits


Flexible Pricing Plans

Fixed monthly charges tailored to fit your budget and hiring needs.

No need to worry about placement fees or rebate schemes.

Time Savings

Faster Time-to-Hire

We optimise the recruitment process, ensuring quicker hires by keeping your hiring requirements ‘always on’.


Candidate Exclusivity

Any candidates we identify when hiring for you will not be shared with competitor firms

This includes ‘Hot’ Candidates in your market that you aren’t actively hiring for.


Paul Whitfield

“As a growing business hiring new staff is central to our growth plans. Hiring through the traditional recruitment agency model was proving expensive for us and even more so if hires didn’t work out. We tried to do the hiring ourselves to save that cost but struggled to keep on top of things – the HST Talentflow solution was perfect for us”

Paul Whitfield – CEO
Evolution Solutions

5 Stars
Ian Seers

“HST Hiring have been integral to our growth plans in the UK with some really key hires to our management team as well as helping build our support teams. Their Talent Flow service is a key differentiator when hiring key staff into the business”

Ian Seers – CEO

5 Stars
Paul Cliffe

“We were getting frustrated with the hiring process for this particular role and knew we had to freshen things up in terms of our approach to the market.  When we heard how HST Talent low would work, after being initially sceptical we were very quickly amazed with the results we got from them. It’s a very efficient and client centric service that we will continue using and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend to other companies hiring”.

Paul Cliffe – MD
Calibre Control

5 Stars


We have made it easy for you to understand the savings that can be made by using the HST Talent Flow Service.

Number of Hires 3 5 10 15
Average Salary £25,000 £25,000 £25,000 £25,000
Average Agency Fee (15%) £3,750 £3,750 £3,750 £3,750
Total Payments to Agencies £11,250 £18,750 £37,500 £56,250
Total Charge For Talent Flow £6,000 £12,000 £18,000 £24,000
Annual Saving £5,250 £6,750 £19,500 £32,250
Annual Saving 47% 36% 52% 57%
Package BRONZE
Number of Hires 3
Average Salary £25,000
Average Agency Fee (15%) £3,750
Total Payments to Agencies £11,250
Total Charge For Talent Flow £6,000
Annual Saving £5,250
Annual Saving 47%
Package SILVER
Number of Hires 5
Average Salary £25,000
Average Agency Fee (15%) £3,750
Total Payments to Agencies £18,750
Total Charge For Talent Flow £12,000
Annual Saving £6,750
Annual Saving 36%
Package GOLD
Number of Hires 10
Average Salary £25,000
Average Agency Fee (15%) £3,750
Total Payments to Agencies £37,500
Total Charge For Talent Flow £18000
Annual Saving £19,500
Annual Saving 52%
Number of Hires 15
Average Salary £25,000
Average Agency Fee (15%) £3,750
Total Payments to Agencies £56.250
Total Charge For Talent Flow £24,000
Annual Saving £32.250
Annual Saving 57%

HST Talent Flow Packages

Supercharge Your Hiring

We have packages and prices to suit all levels of hiring requirement and/or the depth of hiring you would like HST to produce for you.

Job Advertising  tick tick tick tick
CV Database Searching  tick tick tick tick
Response Management  tick tick tick tick
Employer Briefing Packs  tick tick tick tick
Fortnightly Reviews x tick tick tick
Monthly and QBR’s x tick tick tick
Dedicated acount management x tick tick tick
First Stage Screening x tick tick tick
LinkedIn Outreach x x tick tick
Online Platform Access x x tick tick
Video First Interview x x x tick
Personality Profiling x x x tick
Reference Checks x x x tick
  £500 Per Month £1000 Per Month £1500 Per Month £2000 Per Month
Roles Worked Per Year* 3 5 10 10+
Package BRONZE
Job Advertising  tick
CV Database Searching  tick
Response Management  tick
Employer Briefing Packs  tick
Fortnightly Reviews x
Monthly and QBR’s x
Dedicated acount management x
First Stage Screening x
LinkedIn Outreach x
Online Platform Access x
Video First Interview x
Personality Profiling x
Reference Checks x
  £500 Per Month
Roles Worked Per Year* 3
Package SILVER
Job Advertising tick
CV Database Searching tick
Response Management tick
Employer Briefing Packs tick
Fortnightly Reviews tick
Monthly and QBR’s tick
Dedicated acount management tick
First Stage Screening tick
LinkedIn Outreach x
Online Platform Access x
Video First Interview x
Personality Profiling x
Reference Checks x
  £1000 Per Month
Roles Worked Per Year* 5
Package GOLD
Job Advertising tick
CV Database Searching tick
Response Management tick
Employer Briefing Packs tick
Fortnightly Reviews tick
Monthly and QBR’s tick
Dedicated acount management tick
First Stage Screening tick
LinkedIn Outreach tick
Online Platform Access tick
Video First Interview x
Personality Profiling x
Reference Checks x
  £1500 Per Month
Roles Worked Per Year* 10
Job Advertising tick
CV Database Searching tick
Response Management tick
Employer Briefing Packs tick
Fortnightly Reviews tick
Monthly and QBR’s tick
Dedicated acount management tick
First Stage Screening tick
LinkedIn Outreach tick
Online Platform Access tick
Video First Interview tick
Personality Profiling tick
Reference Checks tick
  £2000 Per Month
Roles Worked Per Year* 10+

*HST Hired replacements dont count as new roles

To find out more about our great cost saving hiring services
contact us or fill out the form below and we will contact you
